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1. Immersion and Realism

  • 1.1 Realistic Roleplay: All roleplay interactions must be grounded in realism, reflecting the laws of the game world and real-life logic. Avoid actions that break immersion or disrupt the narrative.

  • 1.2 Character Development: Players should focus on developing their characters through realistic interactions, personal growth, and engaging storylines that fit within the server's lore.

  • 1.3 Staying In-Character: Players must remain in-character (IC) at all times during roleplay, keeping out-of-character (OOC) discussions to designated channels or forums.

  • 1.4 Lore Consistency: Roleplay should align with the established lore of GTA Universe, respecting the server's setting, timeline, and events.

    • Unlike other communities, we DO allow you to think outside of the box. We do not gate keep you from expanding the diversity of roleplay within the server, however if such roleplay undoubtedly shifts the roleplay dynamic, then it will be reviewed by Management for approval.

    • We allow sense of "Freedom" with the Lore. We believe in letting our Lore create itself. Though, we ask that players be reasonable in their creation of new roleplay that may be difficult to interface with the "world" as we know it.

2. Metagaming and Powergaming

  • 2.1 No Metagaming: Do not use OOC knowledge to influence IC actions or decisions. All information used in roleplay must be obtained through in-character means

  • 2.2 No Powergaming: Avoid forcing actions on other players without their consent. This includes controlling another player’s character or creating situations that leave them with no choice.

3. Combat and Conflict

  • 3.1 No Random Deathmatching (RDM): All combat and violent interactions must have a valid roleplay reason. Randomly attacking or killing other players without justification is prohibited

  • 3.2 Fear Roleplay (Fear RP): Characters must exhibit realistic fear responses in life-threatening situations. This includes valuing their life and making decisions that reflect self-preservation.

    • An example is charging players with firearms when you yourself do not possess a firearm. Claiming to be a mad man will not suffice.

    • However, if you have a weapon and believe you are capable of reacting to a violent threat, you may do so, just as many have and will continue to do in the real world.

    • We use a rule of equal force. If you are capable of responding with equal force, then you may proceed. If you are not capable, then you must roleplay fear.

  • 3.3 Consent for Major Actions: Obtain consent from involved parties for significant actions, such as torture, permanent character harm, or other impactful events

    • Torture shall not exceed flesh wounds in an act to entice a reaction or information. Roleplaying, for instance, the removal of limbs shall not be permitted unless it is of written mutual agreement between all parties. 

    • SHOULD a party consent, all participating players shall need to consent to the roleplay or be asked to leave in an IC manner. Essentially, do not expose other players to horrific roleplay if they do not consent.

  • 3.4 Conflict Resolution: Attempt to resolve conflicts through roleplay before resorting to violence. Use dialogue and negotiation to de-escalate tense situations.

    • Specifically, if you have decided to rob someone, you must utilize roleplay to coerce that person to commit. If they challenge you, you must make an established effort to refrain from using escalated violence to force the subject to commit or cooperate.

  • 3.4 Baiting a reaction: Do not engage in a certain behavior for the sole purpose of enticing a reaction of another player. 

    • In example: Do not flip a cop off, shout at them, and ultimately attempt to get them to interact with you for the purpose of then shooting them. Another example is the act of harassing gang members then calling the police on them or shooting at them when they react. 

4. Character Actions and Consequences

  • 4.1 Actions Have Consequences: Characters should be prepared to face the consequences of their actions. This includes legal repercussions, social fallout, and other in-character challenges.

  • 4.2 No Combat Logging: Disconnecting from the server to avoid roleplay consequences, such as arrest or combat, is strictly prohibited.

  • 4.3 Character Kills (CK): Permanent character death must be agreed upon by the player and involve a significant roleplay storyline. CKs should not be taken lightly and require approval from staff.

    • Certain instances do not require player consent, such as:

      • Willful disregard for one's life: In extreme instances, this will result in a CK after careful review. In lesser instances, your assets will be decreased by 75%. - An example is suicide by cop to avoid the consequences of a roleplay that has ESTABLISHED depth.

      • Conviction of the Death Penalty for a Capital Crime: A player who has been charged and successfully convicted of a Capital Crime shall be Character Killed by roleplay execution. Such trials are mandated to be a Jury trial, meaning random members of the community will ICLY rule on the fate of a player based on the evidence submitted.

    • CK's forced through staff: Those who are reported for lack of fear for their character's safety or life are subject to a CK at the conclusion of said report should staff believe their actions were not in line of fear roleplay rules. 

5. Roleplay Scenarios and Creativity

  • 5.1 Diverse Roleplay Opportunities: Explore various roleplay scenarios, from business ownership to criminal activities, ensuring that each interaction contributes to the server's narrative.

  • 5.2 Creative Storytelling: Encourage creative storytelling that adds depth to the server’s lore. Players should strive to create memorable and engaging narratives that involve others.

  • 5.3 Respecting Roleplay Boundaries: Be mindful of other players' comfort levels and boundaries. If a scenario becomes uncomfortable, communicate OOC to adjust or exit the situation.

6. Economy and Trade Roleplay

  • 6.1 Realistic Economy: Engage in the server's economy realistically, considering supply and demand, pricing, and the impact of economic actions on the community.

  • 6.2 Business and Trade: Run businesses and conduct trades within the guidelines established by the server, ensuring that all transactions contribute to immersive roleplay.

  • 6.3 Scamming and Fraud: While scamming is allowed within roleplay, it must adhere to server rules and guidelines, avoiding exploitation of new players and respecting roleplay boundaries.

7. Law Enforcement and Legal Roleplay

  • 7.1 Law Enforcement Conduct: Police officers and legal roles must adhere to realistic procedures, portraying law enforcement and legal systems accurately.

  • 7.2 Corruption Roleplay: Corruption is allowed as a roleplay element but must be realistic and consensual. Players should be prepared for the potential consequences of corrupt actions.

  • 7.3 Courtroom Roleplay: Legal proceedings should be conducted with realism and respect for the judicial process. Players should roleplay evidence presentation, questioning, and legal arguments thoroughly.

8. Communication and Language

  • 8.1 In-Character Communication: All in-character communication should occur through designated in-character channels. Avoid using OOC chat for in-character interactions.

  • 8.2 Appropriate Language: While profanity is allowed, players should use language appropriate to their character and the roleplay context, avoiding excessive or targeted vulgarity.

9. Relationships and Interactions

  • 9.1 Character Relationships: Develop character relationships organically, considering the social dynamics and potential impact on the server's narrative. You may "recall" past friends to begin your roleplay encounters, however you may not force a relationship based on OOC discussion.

  • 9.2 Erotic Roleplay (ERP): ERP is allowed for players who have verified their age. It must be consensual and conducted in private settings, adhering to server guidelines and respecting all participants' comfort levels.

    • 9.2.1 Forbidden forms of Erotic Roleplay

      • All forms of rape including statutory rape (characters MUST all be age 18+ to engage on ERP)

      • Bestiality

      • Incest

      • Necrophilia

    • The above mentioned forms of roleplay and the roleplay of any complaints, allegation or anything of that nature is strictly prohibited.

  • 9.3 Respect Boundaries: Respect other players' personal boundaries in all interactions. If a scenario becomes uncomfortable, players should communicate and adjust as needed. Should one party feel uncomfortable and revoke consent, said roleplay is to stop immediately. Failure to do so will result in a ban with no chance of appeal.

10. Events and Activities

  • 10.1 Participating in Events: When engaging in server events, follow event-specific rules and contribute positively to the event’s roleplay experience.

  • 10.2 Hosting Events: Players are encouraged to host events that enrich the server's narrative. Ensure that all events are inclusive, respectful, and align with server rules.

Final Notes

  • Encourage Roleplay Diversity: Players are encouraged to explore a wide range of roleplay styles and scenarios, contributing to a vibrant and diverse roleplay environment.

  • Staff Support: Admins and staff are available to assist with roleplay scenarios, provide guidance, and help resolve disputes in a fair and respectful manner.

  • Continuous Improvement: Roleplay rules are subject to regular review and updates to reflect the evolving needs of the server and ensure a positive experience for all players.

These Roleplay Rules aim to foster an immersive and engaging roleplay environment where players can explore diverse scenarios, build complex narratives, and contribute to the vibrant world of GTA Universe. 

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