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State of San Andreas Penal Code - Eclipse Government





1501. Speed Limits
Drivers must adhere to the posted speed limits at all times. In the absence of posted limits, the following general speed limits apply:

  • Highways: 120 MPH maximum.

  • County Roads: 80 MPH maximum.

  • City Roads: 50 MPH maximum.

  • State Parks/Hunting Zones: 45 MPH maximum.

  • School/University Zones: 30 MPH maximum.

  • Enforcement:

    1. Officers may issue citations for speeding violations based on radar, pacing, or visual estimation.
    2. Excessive speeding (30 MPH or more over the limit) may result in additional penalties, including license suspension and vehicle impoundment.

1502. Pedestrian Right-of-Way
Pedestrians have the right-of-way at crosswalks and intersections. Drivers must yield to pedestrians when:

  • A pedestrian is crossing at a marked crosswalk.

  • A pedestrian is crossing at an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection.

  • A pedestrian is crossing with a "Walk" signal at a traffic light.

  • Enforcement:

    1. Failure to yield to pedestrians may result in a citation or misdemeanor charges, depending on the severity.
    2. Officers must document the circumstances of the violation, including the location and actions of both the driver and pedestrian.

1503. Jaywalking
Pedestrians must use crosswalks and follow pedestrian signals when crossing streets. Jaywalking, or crossing outside of a designated crosswalk, is prohibited.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Officers may issue citations to pedestrians for jaywalking.
    2. In cases where jaywalking leads to a traffic accident, the pedestrian may face additional penalties.

1504. Use of Crosswalks
Pedestrians must cross streets at marked crosswalks when available. When crossing at an unmarked crosswalk, pedestrians must yield the right-of-way to vehicles.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Officers may issue warnings or citations for improper use of crosswalks.
    2. Repeated violations may result in higher fines or mandatory pedestrian safety courses.

1505. Obstruction of Traffic
No vehicle may stop or park in a manner that obstructs the flow of traffic, including blocking intersections, crosswalks, driveways, or fire hydrants.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Officers may issue citations or order the removal of vehicles that obstruct traffic.
    2. Vehicles obstructing emergency access points, such as fire hydrants, may be towed immediately.

1506. Safe Passing of Cyclists
Drivers must maintain a safe distance of at least 3 feet when passing cyclists on the road. Cyclists are entitled to the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicles.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Failure to maintain a safe passing distance may result in a citation.
    2. Officers must document the circumstances of the violation, including the actions of both the driver and cyclist.

1507. Use of Mobile Devices While Driving
Drivers are prohibited from using handheld mobile devices while driving. Hands-free devices may be used if they do not interfere with the driver's ability to operate the vehicle safely.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Officers may issue citations for the use of handheld devices while driving.
    2. In cases where mobile device use leads to a traffic accident, the driver may face additional penalties, including charges of negligent driving.

1508. Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
It is illegal to operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any substance that impairs the ability to drive safely. The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit is 0.08%.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Officers may conduct field sobriety tests and use breathalyzers to determine BAC.
    2. Drivers found to be over the legal limit may be arrested, and their vehicles impounded.
    3. DUI offenses may result in license suspension, fines, mandatory DUI education programs, and imprisonment for repeat offenders.

1509. Seatbelt and Child Safety Restraints
All drivers and passengers must wear seatbelts while the vehicle is in motion. Children must be secured in appropriate child safety seats or booster seats based on their age, weight, and height.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Officers may issue citations for seatbelt and child safety restraint violations.
    2. Failure to use child safety restraints may result in additional fines and mandatory safety courses.

1510. Operation of Motorcycles and Bicycles
Motorcyclists and bicyclists must follow all traffic laws applicable to motor vehicles, including the use of helmets, proper lighting, and hand signals.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Officers may issue citations for violations of motorcycle and bicycle safety laws.
    2. Repeated violations may result in license suspension for motorcyclists or impoundment of the bicycle.

1511. Reckless Driving
Reckless driving, defined as operating a vehicle with a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property, is prohibited.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Officers may arrest drivers for reckless driving and impound the vehicle.
    2. Convictions for reckless driving may result in fines, license suspension, and imprisonment.

1512. School Zone Safety
Drivers must reduce speed and exercise extreme caution when driving through school zones during school hours. The speed limit in school zones is 45 MPH unless otherwise posted.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Officers may issue citations for speeding in school zones.
    2. Violations in school zones may result in higher fines and points on the driver's license.

1513. Road Rage
Engaging in aggressive driving behavior, such as tailgating, excessive honking, or attempting to intimidate other drivers, is prohibited.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Officers may issue citations or arrest individuals for road rage incidents.
    2. Aggressive driving may result in additional penalties, including license suspension and mandatory anger management courses.

1514. Emergency Vehicle Right-of-Way
Drivers must yield the right-of-way to emergency vehicles with activated lights and sirens by pulling over to the right side of the road and stopping until the vehicle has passed.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Failure to yield to emergency vehicles may result in a citation or arrest.
    2. Officers must document the circumstances of the violation and the impact on emergency response.

1515. Prohibited Parking Areas
Parking in areas designated as "No Parking," including fire lanes, handicapped spaces (without a permit), and loading zones, is prohibited.

  • Enforcement:
    1. Officers may issue citations and order the removal of vehicles parked in prohibited areas.
    2. Vehicles parked in handicapped spaces without a permit may be towed immediately and the owner fined.
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