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State of San Andreas Penal Code - Eclipse Government





1401. Use of Body Armor
Law enforcement officers are required to wear body armor while on duty in situations where there is a heightened risk of violence or confrontation.

  • Procedure:
    1. Officers must wear department-issued body armor during high-risk operations, such as raids, arrests of violent suspects, or any situation where firearms are likely to be encountered.
    2. Supervisors must ensure that officers are equipped with appropriate body armor before engaging in high-risk activities.
    3. Failure to wear body armor in situations where it is required may result in disciplinary action.

1402. Use of Non-Lethal Weapons
Officers are encouraged to use non-lethal weapons (e.g., tasers, pepper spray) to subdue suspects when it is safe and feasible to do so, before resorting to lethal force.

  • Procedure:
    1. Officers must carry department-issued non-lethal weapons while on duty.
    2. Non-lethal force should be the first option when dealing with non-compliant or resisting suspects, provided it is safe and effective.
    3. Officers must document the use of non-lethal weapons in their incident reports.

1403. Backup Request Protocol
Officers must request backup when responding to situations that involve multiple suspects, potential violence, or any scenario where additional support is needed to ensure safety.

  • Procedure:
    1. Backup should be requested via radio or other communication methods as soon as the need is identified.
    2. Officers should wait for backup to arrive before engaging suspects in high-risk situations, unless immediate action is necessary to protect lives.
    3. Dispatch must prioritize backup requests and ensure a timely response.

1404. High-Risk Traffic Stops
Officers must follow specific protocols during high-risk traffic stops, where there is a reasonable suspicion that the occupants may be armed or dangerous.

  • Procedure:
    1. Officers should position their vehicles to provide cover and request backup before approaching the suspect vehicle.
    2. Occupants should be instructed to exit the vehicle one at a time, with their hands visible, and follow commands to move to a safe area for detainment.
    3. Officers should avoid approaching the suspect vehicle until all occupants are detained or the scene is secure.

1405. Hostage Situations
In hostage situations, officers must prioritize the safety of hostages and attempt to de-escalate the situation while minimizing risk to all parties.

  • Procedure:
    1. Establish a secure perimeter and prevent the suspect from moving the hostages.
    2. Engage trained negotiators to communicate with the suspect and seek a peaceful resolution.
    3. Use force only as a last resort, and only if there is an imminent threat to the hostages' lives.

1406. Barricaded Suspects
When dealing with barricaded suspects, officers must contain the situation, attempt to negotiate a surrender, and avoid unnecessary risks.

  • Procedure:
    1. Secure the area around the suspect and establish a perimeter to prevent escape.
    2. Engage in negotiations to convince the suspect to surrender peacefully.
    3. Use tactical units if negotiations fail and the suspect poses a significant threat.

1407. De-Escalation Techniques
Officers are required to use de-escalation techniques to reduce the likelihood of violence during encounters with suspects.

  • Procedure:
    1. Officers should remain calm and use verbal persuasion to encourage compliance.
    2. Maintain a safe distance and avoid aggressive posturing that may provoke the suspect.
    3. Use non-threatening language and offer options to resolve the situation peacefully.

1408. Officer-Involved Shooting Protocol
In the event of an officer-involved shooting, the officer must follow strict protocols to ensure transparency and accountability.

  • Procedure:
    1. The officer involved must immediately notify their supervisor and request medical assistance if needed.
    2. The scene must be secured and preserved for investigation.
    3. The officer must submit to an interview with internal investigators and provide a detailed incident report.
    4. The officer may be placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.

1409. Use of Force Reporting
Officers are required to report any use of force, including non-lethal force, to their supervisors for review.

  • Procedure:
    1. A detailed report must be submitted by the end of the shift in which the force was used.
    2. The report should include the reason for the use of force, the type of force used, and the outcome.
    3. Supervisors must review the report and determine if the use of force was justified.

1410. Pursuit Protocols
Officers must follow department-approved protocols during vehicle pursuits to ensure public safety and minimize risks.

  • Procedure:
    1. Pursuits should be initiated only when the suspect poses a significant threat to public safety.
    2. Officers must consider the safety of pedestrians, other drivers, and the conditions of the roadway before engaging in a pursuit.
    3. Supervisors must monitor the pursuit and have the authority to terminate it if it becomes too dangerous.
    4. Pursuits must be documented in detail, including the reason for the pursuit and its outcome.
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