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State of San Andreas Penal Code - Eclipse Government


801. Accomplice
Any person who intentionally aids another person in the commission of an offense punishable by this code is criminally liable and shall be charged in the same manner as if they were the original offender of the crime.

  • Penalty: Same as the original charge.

802. Accessory
Any person who harbors, conceals, comforts, or assists the principal in an offense punishable by this code, with the intent to aid them in the commission of such offense or to hinder or prevent their apprehension, trial, or punishment, is criminally liable and shall be charged with a half-reduced sentence and criminal points on the original charge.

  • Penalty: Half of the original sentence and criminal points.

803. Hate Crime
Shall confer discretion upon the judge to increase the term of imprisonment or mandate racial sensitivity training or mental health counseling, to be governed as follows:

  • The period of imprisonment may be increased by up to 6 months per charge.
  • Mandatory mental health counseling may be prescribed if there is reason to believe that the criminal act was wholly or partially the result of undiagnosed or untreated mental illness pertaining to impulsivity or executive dysfunction.


804. Attempt
A person is guilty of an attempt to commit a crime when, with intent to commit a crime, they engage in conduct that tends to effect the commission of such crime but fails, or is prevented or intercepted in its perpetration. Shall be punished where no provision is made by law for the punishment of those attempts with half the sentence and criminal points (50%) of the original charge.

  • Penalty: Half of the original sentence and criminal points.

805. Conspiracy
A person is guilty of conspiracy when, with intent that conduct constituting a crime be performed, they agree with one or more persons to engage in or cause the performance of such conduct. Shall be charged with a quarter (25%) reduced sentence and criminal points on the original charge. Requires an overt act to be committed.

  • Penalty: 25% reduction in the original sentence and criminal points.

806. Solicitation
A person is guilty of solicitation when, with intent that another person engages in conduct constituting a crime, they solicit, request, command, or otherwise attempt to cause such other person to engage in such conduct. Shall be charged with a quarter (25%) reduced sentence and criminal points on the original charge.

  • Penalty: 25% reduction in the original sentence and criminal points.

807. Rounding of Sentences and Points
If the criminal points or sentence for an accessory or for an inchoate offense is not a whole number, those are to be rounded to the closest number but may not be lower than one (1).

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