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State of San Andreas Penal Code - Eclipse Government




TITLE 0 - Crimes Against the Sovereignty of the State
TITLE I - Crimes Against Public Peace
TITLE II - Crimes Against the Person
TITLE III - Crimes Against Property
TITLE IV - Crimes Relating to Vehicular Offenses
TITLE V - Crimes Against Public Decency and Good Morals
TITLE VI - Crimes Against Public Health and Safety
TITLE VII - Crimes Relating to Firearm Regulation
TITLE VIII - Parties to a Crime
TITLE IX - Sentencing Enhancements
TITLE X - Criminal Procedure & Enforcement
TITLE XI - Citizen Arrests & General Detainment
TITLE XII - Arrests & Search Warrant Judicial Procedure
TITLE XIII - Defenses
TITLE XIV - Officer Safety
TITLE XV - Road & Pedestrian Safety


General Provisions:

  1. This document shall be known as the Penal Code and will take effect on the date of its adoption. It is not retroactive unless expressly declared.

  2. Any person punished for an act committed before the adoption of this Code shall continue to serve their punishment as if this Code had not been adopted.

  3. ((OOC Rule)): Where a minimum & maximum time is listed, law enforcement will always pursue the minimum option in cases of guilty pleas. In cases of no contest, law enforcement will pursue the maximum option. For not guilty pleas, law enforcement will jail the individual pending trial. For more information, reference the Court Mega Information Thread.

Crime Types:

  • Infraction: Minor offenses typically punishable by fines or other non-incarceration penalties.
  • Misdemeanor: Intermediate offenses, often involving a higher degree of harm or intent than infractions.
  • Felony: Serious offenses with significant harm or criminal intent, often resulting in severe penalties, including imprisonment.

Crime Classifications:

  • Class A: Crimes against a person, entity, or institution, with intent or causing grievous bodily, psychological, or physiological harm.
  • Class B: Crimes against a person, entity, or institution, with intent or causing physical, psychological, or physiological harm.
  • Class C: Crimes against a person, entity, or institution, without intent, or causing physical, psychological, or physiological harm, but encouraging the violation or subversion of public order.

General Definitions:

  • Person: Refers to any living human being or individual.
  • Peace Officer: An individual who is an on-duty law enforcement officer, identifiable by a badge, unique identifier, or other police protocol.
  • Government Employee/Official: Any on-duty employee of a local, state, or federal agency.

Criminal Term Definitions:

  • Malice Aforethought: A general evil and depraved state of mind in which the person is unconcerned for the lives of others or has the conscious intent to cause death or great bodily harm to another person before committing the crime.


001. Treason (F)
Any person who, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies by giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class A, B, or C felony. Sentencing shall be determined at the court's discretion.
    ((Note: This offense requires a mandatory court case.))

002. Espionage (F)
Any person who knowingly communicates, transmits, or attempts to transmit or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States any classified information concerning defense, healthcare installations, or communication intelligence.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class A, B, or C felony. Sentencing shall be determined at the court's discretion.
    ((Note: This offense requires a mandatory court case.))

003. Domestic Terrorism (F)

a) Any person who, with intent to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence a policy of a government or any segment thereof, commits or attempts to commit a felony that results in great bodily injury or death.

b) Any person who willfully threatens to commit a crime that will result in great bodily injury or death to another person, intending to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, even if there was no intent of actually carrying it out.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class A, B, or C felony. Sentencing shall be determined at the court's discretion.
    ((Note: This offense requires a mandatory court case.))


101. Tax Evasion (F)

a) Any person who knowingly fails to make, sign, rectify, or file any required return with the state, city, or any subdivisions thereof, or with any public office, within the time required by law.

b) Any person who, with intent to avoid any tax, makes, renders, signs, or verifies any false or fraudulent return or statement, or supplies any false or fraudulent information to the state, city, or any subdivisions thereof, or with any public office.

c) Any person who performs any licensed activity without a valid license, thereby denying taxes to the state, city, or any subdivisions thereof, or any public office.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (2). Punishable by 2 to 5 days of imprisonment and a fine based on offense count:
    1. $5,000 fine
    2. $10,000 fine
    3. $15,000 fine
      Note: If the offense continues, punishment shall revert back to the third offense and continue.

102. Voter Fraud (F)
Any person who attempts to alter, falsify, or manipulate the results of an election, or attempts to dissuade or influence the election voting through coercion, persuasion, promises, bribes, threats, violence, fraud, or trickery.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (2). Punishable by 2 to 5 days of imprisonment.

103. Corruption of Public Office (F)
Any person who, while employed by a municipal, county, or state-level agency or organization, or any person acting in concert with a public servant, acts with intent to defraud the government or any segment thereof to obtain property, services, resources, or preferential treatment by false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (4). Punishable by 4 to 7 days of imprisonment.

104. Neglect of Public Duty (F)
Any person who, while employed by a municipal, county, or state-level agency, organization, or other governmental instrumentality, either willfully or negligently refrains from performing a duty imposed by law or inherent in their office, leading to the deterioration of public safety, risk of physical harm, actual physical harm, or a violation of this code.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class B felony (3) or Class C felony (2). Punishable by 3 to 6 days of imprisonment.

105. Bribery of a Public Official (F)
Any person who offers, agrees to confer, or confers money, goods, services, benefits, or anything of value to a public employee to improperly influence that individual’s official action, opinion, judgment, decision, or exercise of discretion as a public servant.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (4). Punishable by 3 to 5 days of imprisonment.

106. Incitement to Riot (F)
Any person who, with intent to cause a riot, engages in tumultuous or violent conduct that urges a riot or urges others to commit acts of force, violence, or destruction of property under circumstances that create public alarm.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (2). Punishable by 6 hours to 2 days of imprisonment.

107. Unlawful Assembly (M)

a) Any person who refuses to disperse or leave a public facility or ground without possessing a valid permit and has been ordered to leave by law enforcement.

b) Any person who knowingly assembles with two or more other persons with the intent to engage in conduct that would violate any criminal statute or engage in conduct that recklessly creates a risk of public alarm, inconvenience, or annoyance, except peaceful gatherings for lawful protest, free speech, or any assembly conducted with a valid permit.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by 3 hours to 1 day of imprisonment.

108. Tampering with Evidence (F)
Any person who knowingly alters, modifies, manufactures, plants, places, destroys, damages, conceals, or moves anything used as evidence with the intent to prevent, mislead, or hinder a legal proceeding or otherwise produce a deceptive effect at such a proceeding.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (5). Punishable by 4 hours to 4 days of imprisonment.

109. Intimidating a Witness or Victim (F)
Any person who knowingly and maliciously prevents or dissuades, or who attempts to prevent or dissuade a witness or victim from attending or providing testimony at any judicial proceeding or inquiry, or making a report that could lead to criminal action being taken.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class B felony (5) or Class C felony (3). Punishable by 2 to 7 days of imprisonment.

110. Contempt of Court (M)

a) Any person whose disorderly, contemptuous, or insolent behavior, committed during the sitting of a court, in its immediate view and presence directly tends to interrupt its proceedings or to impair the respect due to its authority.

b) Any person who through the breach of the peace, noise, or other disturbance, directly tends to interrupt a court's proceedings.

c) Any person who intentionally disobeys or resists the lawful process or other mandate of a court. This shall also extend to subpoenas, parole/probation violations, and violations of court orders.

d) Any person who knowingly publishes a false or grossly inaccurate report of a court's proceedings.

e) Any person who refuses to pay their criminal or civil fines or fails to do so after being granted a payment plan for said fines.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by up to 4 days of imprisonment and/or a fine not exceeding $20,000.
    ((Note: This offense requires a mandatory court case only if applied for bail/probation violations.))

111. Perjury (F)

a) Any person who, having taken an oath that they will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly before any competent tribunal, officer, or in a court sitting, willfully and contrary to the oath, states as true any material matter which they know to be false.

b) Any person who, through written or spoken affidavit, knowingly supplies information that is false, incomplete, or willfully inaccurate, with the intent to mislead or delay any process of court procedure.

c) No person shall be convicted of perjury where proof of falsity rests solely upon contradiction by the testimony of a single person other than the defendant. Proof of falsity may be established by direct or indirect evidence.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (3). Punishable by 5 hours to 3 days of imprisonment.

112. Obstruction of a Public Duty (M/F)

a) Any person who, without lawful excuse, through the use of coercion, violence, or by using means meant to delay the administration of public justice or interfere with the safety of a bystander or officer, willfully obstructs or delays a public servant in the performance of their duties, with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm or death to another.

b) Any person who, without lawful excuse, through the use of coercion, violence, or by using means meant to delay the administration of public justice or interfere with the safety of a bystander or officer, willfully obstructs or delays a public servant in the performance of their duties, with the intent to cause serious damage to property exceeding $50,000, or some other serious loss exceeding $100,000, or minor bodily harm to another.

c) Any person who, without lawful excuse, through the use of coercion, violence, or by using means meant to delay the administration of public justice or interfere with the safety of a bystander or officer, willfully obstructs or delays a public servant in the performance of their duties, with the intent to:

  • i) Cause a loss amounting to no more than $50,000.

  • ii) Subvert, or cause another to subvert, public order.

  • Penalty:

    • Violation of provision (a): Class A felony (4). Punishable by 45 minutes to 4 hours of imprisonment.
    • Violation of provision (b): Class B felony (3). Punishable by 25 to 45 minutes of imprisonment.
    • Violation of provision (c): Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by no more than 25 minutes of imprisonment.

113. Obstructing a Peace Officer's Animal (M/F)

a) Any person who willfully and maliciously, and with no legal justification, interferes with or obstructs any animal being used by a peace officer in the discharge or attempted discharge of their duties by frightening, teasing, agitating, harassing, or hindering the animal.

b) Any person who willfully, with no legal justification, strikes, beats, kicks, cuts, stabs, shoots, poisons, or otherwise injures a peace officer's animal that is working under the supervision of a peace officer.

c) Any person who, in violation of provisions (a) and (b), and with intent to inflict that injury or death, personally causes the death or serious physical injury, including loss or impairment of function of any bodily member or serious crippling.

  • Penalty:
    • Violation of provision (a): Class B misdemeanor. Punishable by 12 hours to 2 days of imprisonment.
    • Violation of provision (b): Class B misdemeanor. Punishable by 2 to 4 days of imprisonment.
    • Violation of provision (c): Class A felony (3). Punishable by 3 to 8 days of imprisonment.

114. Escape from Lawful Custody (F)
Any person arrested, booked, charged, or convicted of a criminal offense who thereafter escapes from a county or city jail, prison, detention facility, community service, or the custody of a correctional officer in charge of them.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (4). Punishable by 7 to 9 days of imprisonment.

115. Evading a Peace Officer (F)
Any person who, while operating or upon entering a motor vehicle or bicycle, and with the intent to evade, willfully flees or otherwise attempts to elude a pursuing peace officer.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (4). Punishable by 1 to 5 days of imprisonment. Additionally, a 7-day license suspension will be issued. Vehicle impound and fines:
    1. 7-day impound of vehicle + $5,000 fine
    2. 14-day impound of vehicle + $10,000 fine
    3. 14-day impound of vehicle + $20,000 fine
      Note: If the offense continues, punishment shall revert back to the third offense and continue. If evasion is in a different vehicle, the latest offense vehicle may be impounded. If it belongs to someone else, they must prove the vehicle was stolen to recover it. Unregistered vehicles or those displaying no registration plates will be crushed.

116. Resisting Arrest (M)
Any person who intentionally delays, avoids, obstructs, or prevents a peace officer from effecting the apprehension of themselves or another person, or in the discharge or attempted discharge of their duties. This extends to lying to a peace officer.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by 6 hours to 1 day of imprisonment.

117. Lying to Government Agents (M)
Any person who knowingly and willfully makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the United States.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by 8 hours to 4 days of imprisonment and a fine of $10,000.

118. Misuse of an Emergency Hotline (M)
Any person who uses a government hotline intended for either emergency or non-emergency assistance for purposes other than contacting the government with a legitimate concern or requesting immediate assistance, including prank calls, jokes, or any other kind of distraction.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by 1 hour to 1 day of imprisonment and a fine of $5,000.

119. False Impersonation (M)

a) Any person(s) who presents themselves as another or pretends to be a representative of some person or organization or impersonates another by communication via internet website or electronic means and does an act in such pretended capacity with intent to obtain a benefit or to injure or defraud another.

b) Any person(s) who falsely represents themselves as a law enforcement officer, by wearing or displaying any uniform, badge, or other insignia commonly associated with such an officer, or by verbally or through their actions indicating that they are a law enforcement officer, with the intent to deceive another person into believing that they are a law enforcement officer and submitting to their authority.

  • Penalty:
    • Violation of provision (a): Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by 4 hours to 1 day of imprisonment.
    • Violation of provision (b): Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by 1 to 4 days of imprisonment and a fine of $10,000.

120. Assault & Battery on a Government Worker (F)

a) Any person who engages in willful and unlawful use of physical force upon a government worker.

b) Any person who unlawfully attempts to commit a violent injury on a government worker or attempts to put a government worker they are in the presence of in reasonable fear of physical injury.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class B felony. Punishable by 2 to 7 days of imprisonment.

121. Forgery (M)
Any person who knowingly creates, completes, or alters a written instrument with the intent to defraud, deceive, or injure another.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by 6 hours to 3 days of imprisonment.

122. Fraud (M/F)

a) Any person who knowingly, by any means of false representation by words, conduct, misleading allegation, or by concealment of facts or written instruments, attempts to defraud any other person of money, labor, or property, whether real or personal. (M)

b) Fraud resulting in the loss of $15,000 or more in monetary value will be considered a felony charge. (F)

c) Any person having on display on their vehicle an identification plate registered to another vehicle owned by themselves. (F)

  • Penalty:
    • Violation of provision (a): Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by 6 hours to 2 days of imprisonment.
    • Violation of provisions (b) or (c): Classified as a Class C felony (2). Punishable by 2 to 4 days of imprisonment.

123. Money Laundering (F)
Any person who, knowing that property or monetary instruments represent the proceeds of criminal conduct, or the criminal sale of a controlled substance or weapons, or an act of terrorism, conducts financial transactions involving such proceeds or transports, transmits, or transfers such monetary instruments with the intent to promote the carrying on of criminal conduct, knowing such transactions are designed to conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, ownership, or control of the proceeds of criminal conduct, or to avoid any transaction reporting requirement imposed by law.

  • Penalty:
    • Property value ≤ $10,000: Classified as a Class C felony (2). Punishable by 2 to 4 days of imprisonment.
    • Property value > $10,000 ≤ $100,000: Classified as a Class C felony (3). Punishable by 3 to 5 days of imprisonment.
    • Property value > $100,000 ≤ $500,000: Classified as a Class C felony (4). Punishable by 3 to 6 days of imprisonment.
    • Property value > $500,000 ≤ $1,000,000: Classified as a Class C felony (5). Punishable by 5 to 8 days of imprisonment.
    • Property value > $1,000,000: Classified as a Class C felony (6). Punishable by 6 to 9 days of imprisonment.

124. Defacing U.S. Currency (M)
Any person who mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, destroys, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill or note with intent to render such bank bill or note unusable.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by 1 to 2 days of imprisonment.

125. Disturbing the Peace (M)
Any person(s) who engages in fighting, violence, tumultuous or threatening behavior, unreasonable noise, or abusive or obscene language/gestures in public.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by 1 hour to 1 day of imprisonment and a fine of $2,500.

126. Racketeering (F)

a) It shall be unlawful for any person, group of persons, or organization(s) to knowingly engage or participate in, or conspire to engage or participate in, a pattern of racketeering activity or through the collection of an unlawful debt, in the service of, association with, or employment by any enterprise.

b) It shall be unlawful for any person, through a pattern of criminal racketeering activity or through the collection of an unlawful debt, to acquire or maintain, directly or indirectly, any interest in or control of any enterprise which is engaged in, or the activities of which affect, commercial activity.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class A (6), Class B (5), or Class C (4) felony. Punishable by 4 to 8 days of imprisonment.
    • "Enterprise" refers to any coordinated, cooperative, or collaborative activity undertaken by two or more persons associated by partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals associated in fact but not necessarily through a legal entity with the intention of achieving financial or other material gain for the affiliated persons.
    • "Racketeering activity" refers to any act involving the commission, attempted commission, conspiracy to commit, or threat to commit unlawful activities defined within the Penal Code.
    • "Pattern of racketeering activity" refers to a minimum of two acts of racketeering activity, one of which occurred after the effective date of this section, and the last of which occurred within twenty days after the commission of a prior act of racketeering activity, excluding any period of imprisonment.
    • "Unlawful debt" refers to any money or other things of value constituting principal or interest of a debt incurred or contracted in violation of any of the aforementioned activities.

127. Violation of EFCE Act - Signal Jamming (F)

a) Any person who knowingly and willfully—without legal justification or exemption—manufactures, produces, processes, or prepares a signal jammer that violates the provisions of the EFCE Act of 2023.

b) Any person who knowingly and willfully—without legal justification or exemption—possesses, sells, distributes, advertises, or markets a signal jammer device that violates the provisions of the EFCE Act of 2023. Any individual charged with sales also qualifies to be charged with possession.

c) Any person who knowingly and willfully—without legal justification or exemption—utilizes, employs, operates, or exploits a signal jammer to affect, manipulate, distort, or jam any communications system or alarm system that violates the provisions of the EFCE Act.

  • Penalty:
    • Violation of provision (a): Classified as a Class C felony (6). Punishable by 1 to 3 days of imprisonment.
    • Violation of provision (b) or (c): Classified as a Class C felony (4). Punishable by 6 hours to 1 day of imprisonment.

128. Violation of EFCE Act - Card Skimming (F)

a) Any person who knowingly and willfully—without legal justification or exemption—manufactures, produces, processes, or prepares a card skimmer that violates the provisions of the EFCE Act.

b) Any person who knowingly and willfully—without legal justification or exemption—possesses, sells, distributes, advertises, or markets a card skimmer device that violates the provisions of the EFCE Act. Any individual charged with sales also qualifies to be charged with possession.

c) Any person who knowingly and willfully—without legal justification or exemption—possesses or uses a card skimmer to obtain financial information from individuals without their knowledge or consent, which violates the provisions of the EFCE Act.

  • Penalty:
    • Violation of provision (a): Classified as a Class C felony (6). Punishable by 1 to 3 days of imprisonment.
    • Violation of provision (b) or (c): Classified as a Class C felony (4). Punishable by 6 hours to 1 day of imprisonment.

129. Violation of EFCE Act - Vehicle Tracking (F)

a) Any person who installs or plants an electronic tracking device on any vehicle or possession that violates the provisions of the EFCE Act.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (6). Punishable by 1 to 3 days of imprisonment.

130. Rescuing a Prisoner (F)
Any person who rescues, attempts to rescue, or aids another person in rescuing or attempting to rescue any prisoner from any prison, prison road camp, or any jail or county road camp, or from any officer or person having them in lawful custody.
Any person who enters a designated staff-only zone as laid out by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Authorization Act of 2023, without authorization from the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (4). Punishable by 7 to 9 days of imprisonment.

131. Bringing Contraband Into a Correctional Facility (F)
Any person(s) who knowingly brings into any state prison or other institution under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections, any county jail, any city jail, or any other institution or place where prisoners or inmates are held under the custody of any law enforcement officers, peace officers, or probation officers, any controlled substances as defined in Schedule I of the Drug Enforcement and Prevention Act, or any device, contrivance, instrument, or paraphernalia intended to be used for unlawfully injecting or consuming any drug other than controlled substances, without having authority to do so by the rules of the Department of Corrections, or by specific authorization of the warden, superintendent, jailer, or other person in charge of the facility. The highest category in possession determines the overall penalty.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C felony (5). Sentencing guidelines:
    • Category A: Fine up to $45,000 and imprisonment no greater than 7 days.
    • Category B: Fine up to $37,500 and imprisonment no greater than 6 days.
    • Category C: Fine up to $30,000 and imprisonment no greater than 5 days.
    • Category D: Fine up to $22,500 and imprisonment no greater than 4 days.
    • Category T: Fine up to $8,000 and imprisonment no greater than 1 day.

132. Possession of Communications in a Correctional Facility (M)

a) Any person in a local correctional facility who possesses a wireless communication device, including but not limited to a cellular telephone, pager, or wireless Internet device, without authorization.

b) Money collected pursuant to this section shall be placed into the inmate welfare fund, as specified in Section 4025.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by a fine of up to $1,000.

133. Possession of Tobacco in a Correctional Facility (I)

a) Any person housed in a local correctional facility who possesses any tobacco products in any form, including snuff products, smoking paraphernalia, or any device that is intended to be used for ingesting or consuming tobacco, is guilty of an infraction.

b) Subdivision (a) applies only in counties where the city council or county commission has adopted an ordinance or passed a resolution banning tobacco in its correctional facilities.

c) Money collected pursuant to this section shall be placed into the inmate welfare fund, as specified in Section 4025.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C infraction. Punishable by a fine of up to $1,000.

134. Possession of Handcuff Keys in a Correctional Facility (M)

Any person housed in a local correctional facility who possesses a handcuff key without authorization is guilty of a misdemeanor. As used in this subdivision, “handcuff key” means any device designed or intended to open or unlatch a handcuff.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by 1 hour to 1 day of imprisonment and a fine of up to $1,000.

135. Murder of a Peace Officer Canine (F)
Any person(s) who intentionally or knowingly, without lawful cause or justification, causes the death of a peace officer canine.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class A felony (15). Punishable by no less than 7 days of imprisonment. Sentencing enhancements are allowed for this charge.

136. Aggravated Battery of a Peace Officer Canine (F)
Any person(s) who intentionally or knowingly, without lawful cause or justification, causes great bodily harm or permanent disability to a peace officer canine, with or without a deadly weapon.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class A felony (4). Punishable by no less than 2 days of imprisonment. Sentencing enhancements are allowed for this charge.

137. Battery of a Peace Officer Canine (M)
Any person(s) who intentionally or knowingly maliciously touches, strikes, or causes bodily harm to a peace officer canine commits a misdemeanor without a deadly weapon.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class B misdemeanor. Punishable by no less than 6 hours of imprisonment.

138. Obstruction of a Peace Officer Canine (M)
Any person(s) who intentionally or knowingly maliciously harasses, teases, interferes with, or attempts to interfere with a peace officer canine while the working dog is performing its duties commits a misdemeanor.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class C misdemeanor. Punishable by no less than 25 minutes of imprisonment and a fine of $2,500.

139. Misuse of the Mobile Data Computer (F)

a) Any person(s) who accesses, uses, alters, damages, deletes, or disrupts any function of a Mobile Data Computer (MDC) system, network, or data with the intent to hinder or obstruct lawful operations or to appropriate the MDC for personal, non-official, or criminal activities.

b) Any person(s) who utilizes the MDC system or network to facilitate the commission of any crime, including fraud, theft, or unauthorized dissemination of personal or sensitive information.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class B felony (3) or Class C felony (2). Punishable by 3 to 6 days of imprisonment.

140. Unauthorized Sharing of Information from the Mobile Data Computer (F)

a) Any person(s) who, outside their scope of employment, shares, disseminates, or publishes any information from the Mobile Data Computer (MDC) system, network, or data, regardless of its classification or sensitivity, not intended for public release or personal use.

b) Any person(s) who negligently or intentionally shares, disseminates, or publishes any information from the MDC that compromises public safety, the integrity of investigations, or the security of the MDC system, including personal, contact, or property details.

  • Penalty: Classified as a Class B felony (3) or Class C felony (2). Punishable by 4 to 8 days of imprisonment.



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