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SASA Operating Structure


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Govenor: J.C. Whitman.  Lieutenant Governor: Sarah Poncet


Structure of the San Andreas State General Assembly

1. Composition:

  • Two Parties: The assembly will have a two-party system with equal representation, consisting of 12 members total (6 members from each party).
  • Assembly Leadership:
    • Governor: The Governor is the head of the San Andreas State and presides over the General Assembly. They are responsible for setting the agenda and casting tie-breaking votes.
    • Lieutenant Governor: The second-in-command, assisting the Governor in overseeing the Assembly and stepping in when the Governor is unavailable.
    • Party Leaders: Each party will have a Party Leader who represents their party's interests and coordinates with their members.
  • Members: Each party has 6 members who participate in legislative activities, propose bills, debate, and vote.

2.  Titles:

  • Governor
  • Lieutenant Governor
  • Senators (6 per party)
  • Party Leaders (1 per party)


Mission Statement

"The San Andreas State General Assembly is dedicated to ensuring a fair and balanced government that represents the diverse interests of its citizens. We strive to create a dynamic, engaging, and immersive roleplay environment where players can participate in the legislative process, enact laws, and influence the future of San Andreas State. Through collaboration, debate, and leadership, we seek to maintain the integrity of the state while promoting an enjoyable experience for all players."


Legislative Structure

1. Legislative Sessions:

  • Frequency: The General Assembly holds legislative sessions weekly, where members meet to discuss and vote on proposed laws and regulations.
  • Proposing Bills: Any member of the Assembly can propose a bill. The bill must be presented to the Party Leader, who will decide whether to bring it to the floor for debate.
  • Debate: Once a bill is introduced, members of both parties debate its merits. Each member has a limited amount of time (e.g., 2 minutes) to present their arguments.
  • Voting: After the debate, members vote on the bill. A simple majority (7 out of 12 votes) is required to pass the bill. If the vote is tied, the Governor casts the deciding vote.
  • Governor's Veto: The Governor has the power to veto any bill passed by the Assembly. However, the Assembly can override the veto with a two-thirds majority vote (8 out of 12 votes).

2. Committees:

  • Formation: The Assembly can form temporary committees to explore specific issues or policies. Each committee will consist of an equal number of members from each party.
  • Role: Committees investigate, research, and present recommendations on specific topics, such as crime, economy, or healthcare.
  • Reporting: Committees report their findings to the Assembly, which can then use this information to draft new legislation.
    • Committees: 
      • Security, Administration, and Fiscal Enforcement Committee (SAFE): This committee oversees policy amendment, administration, and budgetary oversight for the States Law Enforcement Agencies.
      • Interagency Coordination and Compliance Committee (ICC): This committee acts as Liaison between the State and the Federal Government, including but not limited to, insight and reporting of USBFAN activity within the state and the surrounding region.
      • Infrastructure and Economic Development Committee (IED Committee): This committee will undertake the administration of contracts for public infrastructure and economic projects within the state. Including but not limited to maintenance of the States infrastructure, procurement of state goods and services, and servicing the economic wellbeing of the State through incentivized programs offered to small business and citizens alike.

3. Election Process:

  • Term Length: Members of the General Assembly serve a term of 4 months. After this period, new elections are held.
  • Elections: Players vote for their preferred party in a server-wide election. Each party can nominate candidates for the Assembly, and the top 6 candidates from each party take office.
  • Party Switching: Members can switch parties during their term if they feel their views align more with the other party, adding dynamic roleplay elements.
  • ((The Election Program will utilize a challenger mechanic, whereas a Senators seat may be challenged every 4 months. Should a senator not receive a challenger, they may remain in their seat. - Provisions for this system will be provided as we near the first term of the governments adminsitration))

((4. Roleplay Elements:

  • The core "Faction"of this :  To allow the community to voice their concerns and steer progress of the State completely in a manner like no other.
  • At no time will any decisions or outcomes of the legislative process be stifled by a member of the GTAU administration. Our mantra is to allow players and their roleplay initiatives to thrive organically. 
  • All positions within this faction follow the strict no admin leadership policy, meaning it and any critical factions shall not have staff members within its leadership, explicitly factions that tend to have major effect on the community at large.
  • Scandals and Investigations: Members can become embroiled in scandals or investigations, adding drama and intrigue to the roleplay.
  • Lobbying: Players outside the Assembly can lobby members to support or oppose bills, offering bribes, favors, or threats.
  • Public Hearings: The Assembly can hold public hearings where players present their cases for or against certain issues, influencing the legislative process.))
  • Continuity to US political scenes: The only major rule within this roleplay genre is that the politics and vision be kept in line with the US Constitution and comparable geographical areas in which our Lore represents. While our Lore is our own (We do not carbon copy any real life entity) and for good reason, we must maintain a standard within the Political system and refrain from involving outside structure etc. I.E, we are not roleplaying British Parliament, or inviting any political parties outside of Republican and Democrats.


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